How to Get an Acting Agent


The process of finding the right acting agent is often difficult. but it’s not impossible.

Acting is a tough career to break into, but if you’re looking to work with a reputable agency, this article will guide you in the right direction.

What is an Acting Agent and Why Do You Need One?

An acting agent is someone who works on behalf of actors to help them find roles, negotiate contracts, and manage their careers.

Acting agents are an essential part of the entertainment industry. They are responsible for finding opportunities for their clients and helping them to get paid for the work they do.

What are the Different Types of Agents and How do they Work?

Agents are individuals who represent actors and actresses.

They help their clients get auditions and book jobs.

Listed below are the different types of agents:

  • Broadcast journalist agencies
  • Commercial and theatrical agents
  • Modeling agencies
  • Music agents
  • Online voice talent agents
  • Sports agents
  • Literary agent
  • Music managers
  • Cruise ship industry

What do agents want to see in actors?

  • Professionalism
    • Actors do not always have to be the most attractive people in the room but they should be professional, have a good sense of humor, and be able to fit into a team.They should also be able to work well with other actors and people in general.What do agents want to see in actors?
  • Preparedness
    • Actors need to be prepared in order to make a good first impression. Agents want to see actors who are professional and aware of the industry.
  • Work ethic
    • An actor’s attitude and approach to work is the one trait that agents find most important. They want to see actors who are eager to work and willing to take risks.

How much do agents get paid? 

Every legitimate acting agent should never charge you any upfront fees or ask for any other payments.

But the thing is, there’s a lot of scammers out there who will do just this sort of thing so be cautious when looking for an agent and use the industry guidelines which say that no legitimate acting agent should ask upfront fees or other payments.

Agents only make money on their commission rate of 10%.

Steps to find the right acting agent for you

A talent agents finds jobs for the actors (or authors, athletes, musicians, models, etc.) they represent.

It’s important to know beforehand if an agency can cater to your niche before spending time and money on them. There are a few ways you can do this, one of them is by looking through their client list.

The agencies with a lot of clients that are a part of your industry are more likely to be the best for you.

5 Steps to find the right acting agent for you

1. Grab their attention

The first step in finding the right acting agent is to grab their attention. This can be done by proving you’re a serious working actor and being genuine.

First impressions matter!

2. Do your research

If you are looking to get into the acting industry, it’s important that you know who your type is and what type of agent would be the best fit for you. Once you have that covered you should start your research process.

A good place to start is by visiting a website like Backstage and use their company search feature to find contact information of repuatable agencies.

You should then research further into the agent’s work and the agency they’re affiliated with.

3. Write your cover letter

It should discuss your experience and interest in being represented by that agency.

One page is enough.

One thing that’s important to remember when reaching out to agents is your letter should be specific. That means you need to be able to articulate why you would make a good client for this particular agency.

Make sure to address the agent directly with a clear and personal introduction.

4. Start contacting them

Sending in your resume and headshots at the same time as you send your cover letter will give a more polished, professional look to your application package.

Continue sending out emails until you have a good number that has gotten back to you and wish to set up a meeting.

5. Send a follow up email

Agents are busy people who receive many letters every day.

Sending a follow-up note after about 2-3 weeks of not receiving a response is one of the best ways to make your name stand out from the competition.

It can be something as simple as “I just wanted to check in and see if you had a minute to take a look at my submission?” That’s it.

When you send your follow up note, be sure to keep it professional, brief and use language that interests them.

How to Nail the Interview

These are a few thing you should expect like :

  • Discussing your ‘type’ and which roles you’d like to play
  • Reviewing your resume and other materials
  • Discussing your strengths and weaknesses
  • Getting to know you as a person

So be prepared, You should always have your resume and headshot with you when meeting in person and also be ready to show your work.

You should also have questions of your own like:

  • How many actors do they represent?
  • What do you believe my ‘type’ is? 
  • How do they communicate with actors?


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An acting agent is someone who works on behalf of actors.

They help their clients get auditions and book jobs.

It’s important to know beforehand if an agency can cater to your niche before spending time and money on them.

Follow our steps to find the right acting agency for you and be sure to let us know which one you pick on the comments below …

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